the keto dad nick martinez easy keto and low carb recipes


Welcome to Simple Fun Keto, where we create amazing recipes for you and your Keto Family!  Make sure you check out our blog, How to Keto, and give the Ketones we love a test drive under Samples!


Lethargic.  Low Energy.  Nausea.  Brain Fog.

Sound like something you've experienced?  But I thought we were supposed to have MORE energy on a Keto lifestyle!  So what's missing? 

Have you noticed that you're drinking more water on the Ketogenic lifestyle?  You don't retain as much water on the Ketogenic lifestyle, so to stay hydrated, you should end up drinking more!  As you drink more water, you'll need to increase your electrolytes as well!

Here are some easy tips to keep your body happy, healthy and full of energy!

Keto and Low Carb Sweeteners with Boss Babe

Keto and Low Carb Sweeteners with Boss Babe

Your Bathroom Scale...